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The benefits of Biocompatible Periodontal Therapy

Benefits Of Treatment for Periodontal Disease Near Me In Annandale, VA

Periodontal disease is one of the greatest threats to your oral health. Left unchecked, it can destroy the bone structure that supports your teeth, leading to permanent tooth loss. A dental evaluation at the office of Dr. Richard Fischer in Annandale, Virginia, can help determine if you suffer from periodontal disease. We offer a personalized approach to treating dental disease in the form of biocompatible periodontal therapy (BPT).

BPT vs. Gum Surgery

Gum surgery has for many years been the go-to treatment for advanced periodontal disease. Gum surgery involves the removal of diseased gum tissue to reduce symptoms of the disease; however, it doesn’t address the underlying cause to prevent future infections. It’s a reactive treatment instead of a proactive one that identifies and corrects issues at the source. As a result, gum surgery patients often experience a reccurrence of periodontal disease.

In contrast, biocompatible periodontal therapy focuses on the underlying cause of periodontal disease, not just its ill effects. This therapy aims to improve periodontal health on a long-term basis not only by eliminating oral infections, while also maximizing your resistance to infections. Through BPT, Dr. Richard Fischer can help you enjoy optimal oral health for years to come.

Symptoms of periodontal disease

Bacterial gum infections are the main cause of periodontal disease. Symptoms may vary depending on the severity of your condition, but some of the more common ones include:

  • Red, swollen gums
  • Bleeding or receding gums
  • Loose teeth
  • Tooth infections
  • Toothaches

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Benefits of BPT

BPT takes a proactive stance against dental disease by identifying signs of infection early on and taking measures to eliminate it. Once the infection is eliminated, Dr. Fischer offers professional guidance on oral care to prevent future infections. We also monitor your overall health to ensure your body is getting the nutrients it needs to resist bacterial infections that can impact your oral health.

Some of the main benefits of BPT are:

  • Proactive, holistic treatment
  • Non-invasive
  • Less painful than gum surgery
  • Cost-effective
  • Effective in restoring oral health

Biocompatible periodontal therapy in Annandale, VA

To learn more about biocompatible periodontal therapy and how it can benefit you in treating periodontal disease, contact Evergreen Dental Wellness in Annandale, VA, at 703-215-9630.

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