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Journey of Dentistry - Dr. Richard Fischer from Evergreen Dental Wellness Annandale VA

I graduated from Georgetown dental school and then taught there as a clinical instructor for five years. Meanwhile, I went into private practice as an Associate Dentist and was working for an owner dentist.
I did that for about 10 years and that gave me the time freedom to learn a lot of things. I spent three days a week practicing and probably three days a week taking courses all over the country learning about some of the different things that we now incorporate into our practice.
One of the things I learned from my mentor in dentistry Dr. Gallup in New York; I was teaching at Georgetown when he came and taught a course on TMJ dysfunction.
I had done a lot of training in that at Georgetown in the dental school. But he came and taught from a whole different perspective incorporating a variety of different things that I have not been exposed to before, success clinical nutrition, chiropractic, acupuncture, homeopathy, cranial osteopathy, a variety of things that he incorporated in his work.
So I learned that there is a whole other part of healthcare that dentistry could rely on to help our patients than what I have learned in my initial dental training.
Dr. Gallup taught me one thing that has stayed with me throughout the years. If you listen to the patients long enough, they will not only tell you what is wrong with them but they tell you how to fix it, and that has been a guiding principle to my practice.
I have been in the practice for 40 years now and during that educational opportunities I have gotten fellowship degrees of Academy of General Dentistry and The Academy of Stress and Chronic Disease, International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology, and the American Academy of Ozone therapy and I have also served as the President at International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology, from 1994-1996.
Because of my work in the area of mercury fillings and the concerns that mercury poses to the environment as well as to the physiology and health of patients. I was the first dentist ever to be invited to be an expert witness before Congress, first in 2002 and two more times after that.
Besides Congress, I have also testified on the subject before the NIH, the FDA, the EPA, the National Academies of Science, and the U.S. State Department.
Thereafter, I became Board Certified by the American Naturopathic Medical Board. The National Board of Homeopathy in Dentistry and was awarded Diplomate status by the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine.
And co-authored a chapter in the British textbook on Complementary Therapies in Dental Practice.
I’m a minimalist in my clinical treatment I like to do the least amount of dentistry necessary, to keep the patients functional, cosmetically acceptable and to keep their health supported by the dentistry that we do.
We provide exceptional dental care to our patients in a friendly and caring environment, educating and encouraging them towards an optimal state of health.
Schedule your appointment now with Dr. Richard Fischer on 703-215-9630